- Lost girl season 3 music skin#
- Lost girl season 3 music series#
Better to Die than Be Killed: Or worse. Also, do not insult Kenzi's shoes or spill anything on them. Bo also loses it when The Ash refers to Lauren as his property. Threatening to kill and eat Lauren is not a good idea around Bo. Being Tortured Makes You Evil: Bo's mother Aife. And so were Charles Mayo, Albert Einstein and Marie Curie. Beethoven Was an Alien Spy: Shakespeare was Fae. Be Careful What You Wish For: The Norn is more a case of "be careful whom you make wishes to.". Batman Gambit: The Morrigan's assistant. Despite possessing the supernaturally seductive touch and a life-draining Kiss of Death, she is one of the most moral characters in the show. The corpse-eaters, known as Aswang, are portrayed as saintly old women who consume the unloved and diseased dead.
Corpse-eaters and harpies are numbered among the Light Fae. By "Origin," she managed to turn Evony-the Morrigan-human. Lauren is very much capable of "sciencing" anybody to death. Turned Up to Eleven in "ConFaegion," with the help of the Staff of Righteousness. Lost girl season 3 music series#
In a series of supernaturals who can break her physically without trying and mentally with a glance, she manages to hold her own and repeatedly save Bo from other Fae.
Although the Fae tend to dismiss humans as a threat, a determined human can seriously hurt and/or kill a Fae. Back for the Dead: Ciara in "Lachlan's Gambit.". She is utterly horrified when she sobers up and discovers that her childhood horror is real. Baba Yaga: Kenzi drunkenly invokes her to put a curse on Dyson. Reynard, a Dark Fae who wants to restart the war between the Dark and the Light. Aife, a Dark Fae who wants to restart the war between the Dark and the Light. In his defense, the fingers do grow back. Gary: You know what they say-sometimes a flesh-eater is just too tired to get out of bed, go to the fridge, know what I mean?.
Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: In "Adventures in Faebysitting" after Kenzi tells a child a story:. Dyson reveals Lauren actually made him half-human and half- cabbit (a rabbit/cat hybrid), which a wolf can definitely kill. He then claims that Dyson can't kill him, as they are blood brothers. Used as a plot point in the Season 3 finale, where Taft has had Lauren turn him into a hybrid with wolf-Fae DNA. Given that no one objects when Bo does it, it might be that either succubi (and the like) are excluded from this due to their "enjoyable" methods of feeding or that Fae simply aren't supposed to kill each other by feeding. Fae apparently aren't supposed to feed off each other, as that what's humans are for. Lost girl season 3 music skin#
Massimo reveals that holding the Twig of Zamora while in a fire pit meant that he was constantly having his skin burned off, healed and then burned off again. Later, one of the Lich's victims, the cowgirl, begs Bo to allow to her die, unwilling to go on living. He brings back the person's soul, traps it in their own body and then uses them for whatever he wants. The Lich doesn't just animate dead bodies. Hale: Goddammit, Kenzi, you are not my friend, youve never been just a friend! If anything happens to you, I wont be any good to anyone, and right now, I need to be better than Ive ever been Kenzi: Stop saying that to me! Why does everybody keep saying that? We all used to be friends, Hale! And This Is for.: The season 4 final, Bo to Massimo:. Always Save the Girl: In "Dark Horse," Bo chooses to save Lauren before she goes to save the world. However, his base of operations is a Chinese restaurant, and his niece, although white, has somewhat of a Chinese theme to her style. Alter Kocker: Mayer, Yiddish as a Second Language and all. Even the lady who shows the least skin on camera, Kenzi, is no prude by any stretch of the imagination. This is not surprising given that the main character is a Pansexual Succubus with a supporting cast of women eager to be her one and only, both in life and in bed. And her one therapy session is resolved simply by her heightening and directing the couple's sexual energies at each other. While much of what Bo does on the case revolves around her patients' sex lives, that could be because she's a Couples Counselor. When Bo is posing as a therapist, Lauren recommends that she review the works of several psychologists including Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud, Masters and Johnson, and Alfred Kinsey. While the trope still works in this case, the "All Myths Are Fae" rewording of the trope does not because the Garuda are actually older than the Fae themselves. While Kenzi accepts most of these, she is absolutely terrified to learn that Baba Yaga is real.